S01E01 - At the Brink of Night

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission
Description Musashi_S01_E01_Smaller
Story by: Raymond Dale
Artwork by Kim Finney
Mission Group Season 1
Start Date Wed Dec 31st, 1969 @ 8:00pm
End Date Mon Oct 30th, 2017 @ 2:34am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Things Are A Little Gassy, Part III
by Commander Christopher Samuels MDiv, PhD & Commander K'Niras Sh'howul
Continuation from Part II Zaran II, Clan Kle'Sen Settlement
All That Jazz and Popcorn
by Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa & Lieutenant JuniorGrade Fethraie D'Darra
After "A Chapel in the Stars" USS Musashi | Captain's Quarters
The Chapter Closes
by Commander Christopher Samuels MDiv, PhD
Christopher Samuels' Quarters
Cait's Tail
by Commander K'Niras Sh'howul
Anytime Crew Quarters
Chapel in the Stars
by Commander Christopher Samuels MDiv, PhD & Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa
USS Musashi | Chapel
Beware of Klingon Breadcrumbs (1.5)
by Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa
A Few Months Ago Unknown
A Captivity Story | Part I
by Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa & Admiral Ke'gak
A Few Months Ago Unknown
Things Are a Little Greasy
by Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa & Lieutenant JuniorGrade Fethraie D'Darra & Chief Petty Officer Alphonso Phillips
Immediately Following "Things Are a Little Gassy Pt. I" Musashi
Things Are A Little Gassy, Part II
by Commander Christopher Samuels MDiv, PhD
Continuation from Part I Zaran II, Clan Kle'Sen Settlement
Things Are A Little Gassy, Part I
by Commander Christopher Samuels MDiv, PhD & Commander K'Niras Sh'howul & Lieutenant JuniorGrade Fethraie D'Darra
Zaran II
by Lieutenant Junior Grade Shras th'Zarath
0100 Hours USS Musashi
Logic over all
by Lieutenant JuniorGrade Fethraie D'Darra & Chief Petty Officer Alphonso Phillips
Snappy Lunch
by Lieutenant Junior Grade Shras th'Zarath
Current USS Musashi
by Admiral Ke'gak
Present QIH Qa'
Blank Pages [BACK POST]
by Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa
USS Musashi | Nurse Stephens' Quarters
Introductions All Around [BACK POST]
by Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa & Lieutenant Commander Ezekiel Hill
USS Musashi | Sickbay
by Commander K'Niras Sh'howul
Present Crew Quarters
The Breakfast To End All Breakfasts
by Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa & Lieutenant Junior Grade Ethan O'Donoghue
Time To Get Going
by Commander Christopher Samuels MDiv, PhD & Commander K'Niras Sh'howul & Lieutenant JuniorGrade Fethraie D'Darra
Changing Room/Transporter Room One
Training and Discipline
by Lieutenant JuniorGrade Fethraie D'Darra & Ensign Danael Stephens
Sick Bay
The Future Looks Good!
by Chief Petty Officer Alphonso Phillips
The Shooting Range [Back Post]
by Chief Petty Officer Alphonso Phillips
Sleeping in all the wrong places
by Lieutenant Junior Grade Ethan O'Donoghue
Current Sick Bay
Take Me to Church
by Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa
USS Musashi | Chapel
Safety Sweep
by Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa & Lieutenant Commander Ezekiel Hill & Lieutenant Junior Grade Shras th'Zarath & Lieutenant Junior Grade Ethan O'Donoghue & Ensign Danael Stephens
USS Musashi | Deck 1 | Bridge

Mission Summary

After a skirmish with several Klingon D-7 battle cruisers goes awry, the Federation Ares class starrship, USS Musashi limps back to the Tellar Repair Yards for moderate repair work and some interior changes. Captain Donatella Figueroa is left to lick her wounds as she mourns the loss of several of her crew and bears the burden of command and subsequent responsibility and guilt for her poor command decisions. As the Captain works on finding a means to cope and heal internally, the Tellarites and other Federation Engineers continue repair work on her starship, making it battle ready for her next encounter with the Klingons of whom she personally blames for the losses. But even after the repairs are made to the starship Musashi, many begin to question if her Commanding Officer is ready?

Meanwhile, on the barren Federation protectorate Class-J gas giant world of Zaran II, a strange species called Zaranites have reached to the United Federation of Planets. Their membership of being admitted to the Federation is pending. A relatively peaceful people albeit peculiar to look at, the Zaranites have earned themselves some very unwanted attention from some alien visitors. Sending their sensor data to Starfleet Intelligence, it becomes quite clear that their alien visitors are Klingon battle cruisers which have been circling their star system for the past several weeks, making no attempts at communication until now.

The Klingons are putting the Zaranite's pending Federation membership at jeopardy. The Imperial Klingon Empire is demanding that the Zaranite Government rescind its request for membership in the Federation or face the full wraith of the Klingon Empire. An otherwise useless planet to either the Federation or the Empire, at the surface Zanar II and the Zaranites appear to have no strategic importance. However, their technology does. Their Scientist and Engineers developed sensor technology superior to that currently in service by Federation starships, even more advanced than the ship of the line Constitution class starships.

Zaranite sensor technology has been proven effective at detecting Klingon D-7 battle cruisers from substantial distances. If this technology were to fall into the hands of the Federation and be integrated aboard their starships, the Klingons would lose some their tactical advantages. This is something the Empire would do anything to prevent, even if it men the complete annihilation of the Zanar II. The Ares class Musashi under the command of Captain Figueroa is ordered to join the Federation's Constitution class starships Constitution commanded by Captain Eugene Augenthaler and the Enterprise commanded by Captain Christopher Pike at the Zanar system. It is the Federation's hope that the presence of these three starships will send the Klingons back from whence they came.