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Mooning the Klingons

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2017 @ 11:37pm by Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa & Lieutenant Commander Ezekiel Hill & Lieutenant Junior Grade Shras th'Zarath & Lieutenant Junior Grade Ethan O'Donoghue & Chief Petty Officer Alphonso Phillips & Admiral Ke'gak

Mission: S01E01 - At the Brink of Night
Location: Uncharted Moon

Things weren't really going how Ke'gak had planned them. Of course, he did have to admit that he really didn't have a plan when he started this venture. At one point it had all seemed so cut and dry, but now the answers were not so obvious to him. The crew was starting to pick up on his indecisiveness as well. He had seen their glances during this whole exchange with the Federation ship. Klingons might be a lot of things, but stupid was not one of them. They could sense when things weren't right and they were starting to tire of this game when there was glory to be had elsewhere.

He couldn't resist one more shot at the human female, although he wasn't sure what good it would really do. At this point, there was really nothing he could do except ignore her and wait. He wasn't a very patient Klingon, which wasn't exactly surprising. Ke'gak was getting ready to give the orders to train weapons on the Federation vessel again when everything was frozen for a moment and the entire bridge crew reappeared on the surface of a planet or he assumed it was a planet. Tricky bitch... It was so clever he almost laughed, but laughing would make him seem more insane than he already felt, and in front of his already doubting crew.

He sucked it up and sighed heavily. The air wasn't exactly comfortable. It made his eyes sting a little. He was sure the Federation and all of their goody-goody habits had done their research, but he hoped they would move this little meeting along.

Klingons... an aggressive and savage species. The landing party of the USS Musashi soon appeared on the Moon's surface. Fig was ready and prepared. Her crew in Environmental suits and armed. The Klingons, however, savage and as if on cue two of them breaking order from their commander went rogue.

One charged at the Musashi's Master-At Arms with a oddly sophisticatedly designed bladed weapon, curved inward. A sword of some sort?

Brilliant; thought Phillips. Then he thought about his training. Drew is Light weight Commanger aimed and fired three rounds. This was called the double tap method of engagement. The first one hit the Klingon in his shoulder of the arm holding the blade. The second one hit him close to where they had been thought the heart of a Klingon lay inside their chest and the third round entered the Klingons right eye and bounced around on the inside of his thick skull. The outcome was a forgone conclusion. "Next!" Replied Phillips As the Klingons blade klattered on the ground in front of Him. He started to engage another that was looking at the Captain but Someone beat him to it.

Another Klingon armed with an energy weapon, a disruptive pistol by the looks of it. That Klingon took aim at Fig herself. The Captain drew her weapon, but before she got off a shot, the Klingon was struck down.

Ke'gak lowered the disrupter, after shooting his first officer in the head. "Stupid petaQ! I need her ALIVE!" He spit toward the fallen Klingon officer. Unfortunately, when he shot the officer with the disruptor, the officer splattered all over Figueroa before hitting the ground. Ke'gak looked at the human woman with what might either be amusement or pure madness. The Klingon was a rather imposing figure. He was not the tallest of his bridge crew, but he still stood an imposing 6'4". He was nowhere near fat, but everything about him was wide, sturdy and solid.

Fig looked at the Klingon that her security escort took care of. The Klingon bleeding on the ashy soil of the moon. "Doctor, tend to that Klingon," Fig ordered.

Phillips spoke first. "I wouldn't bother. He's dead," said Phillips matter of factly. "If not he can't be helped. Those are vipor hollow points. It's like a buzz saw flying around in there." As he dropped his hand to his side not putting his weapon away just yet.

Zeke was appalled by the Klingon commander's brutality. He had no love for Klingons by any stretch of the imagination, but he detested wanton cruelty even more.

I wonder if he was part of the assault team that killed Matt. Zeke thought as he leaned down to scan the wounded officer. The scan was a formality, Zeke knew that the man was most likely gone. Still, he was a slave to formalities.

"He's alive -- barely." Zeke stood back up, "The shot burned clear through the center of his brain. He could theoretically be saved, but not without severe brain damage."

Zeke stared down the Klingon commander, trying to hide the tremor in his hand, "You shot your man just to leave him to die? Is that the measure of Klingon honor?"

Ke'gak snorted and hooked his thumbs in his belt. It's was an amazingly human gesture.

Captain Figueroa drew her phaser, set it to the kill setting with a quick twist of the barrel crank and pointed it down at the Klingon. As Phillips and Zeke had surmised, the Klingon was beyond saving, but not beyond some mercy. Fig shot the Klingon squarely ensuring a quick and instant death.

The blood of the Klingon Ke'gak shot carried and splattered the Captain's visor and EV suit. Fig was not the least bit startled by this. It was disgusting and though she wanted to jump when it happened, she kept her boots firmly planted and did not budge. Instead, she just wiped the blood from her visor. "Ke'gak, I did not come here for a fashion show. I hope I wear your Klingon PetaQ well," she said looking at her Klingon counterpart.

Fig motioned for the members of her landing party to accompany her.

"We are here for one reason and one reason only, Ke'gak," said Fig said sternly. "The Klingons have no right to Zaran II. The Federation will not allow your presence to overstay its welcome... leave this star system or face the price of defying the Federation. Don't be a fool. Don't push us into another war."

Ke'gak stared at Fig like she'd lost her mind. "Do you really think I'm interested in that rock, human scum?" he grumbled at her. He pulled his thumbs out of his belt and crossed his thick arms over his broad chest. "You really can't come up with any other reason that I'm here besides that useless rock?" He threw his head back and laughed. It was a hearty laugh, like a serious belly laughs. One of his bridge crew leaned in and said something in Klingon into Ke'gak's ear, but he shook his head and put one hand up to the crewman. "I'll give you three guesses as to why I am really here..." He was definitely amused now, but his gaze wasn't on her face, it was elsewhere.

"Ke'gak, I do not give two targs what you are here for, why you and your Klingon goons are stalking the Zaranites, and I sure the hell am not here to play Klingon twenty questions with you," she replied. "We want you and those Klingon vessels gone and I don't mean soon, I mean several days ago! So move them... Now! Or we will move them ourselves," added Fig.

Ke'gak laughed again. "You are dumber than you look. I hope that's not a trait that will continue to show up. You can have your rock, I'm not here for the rock. As for the other Klingon ships, I can try and convince them that they don't need that rock either, but what their captains do, is not my problem." He shrugged casually. "From what I remember Starfleet does do regular psych evaluations... Maybe you should look into one, but you and I are far from done. I'm not stalking anyone, but you... and you better bet that every time you look over your shoulder... I might be there. We are far from done, Starfleet. Let me know when you come up with why I was here today..." He grinned at her, the same, slightly insane grin he had given her earlier. It was rather chilling.

"If I am so dumb, Ke'gak, then what are you doing on this moon's surface? As I recall, you did not transport down here willingly," the Captain said crossing her arms. "You can call me crazy all you want, but I outsmarted you just like I have before and I will again," she said swiftly.

She glared at the Klingon. "I do not care why you are here. I also do not care how you do it, but I want those Klingon ships... yours included, gone within the next 30 minutes. If they are not..." Fig just scoffed.

Ke'gak snorted and shook his head, like he was shaking it at a small child he was disappointed in. "Woman... I already told you... I have no control over those Captain's. As much as I enjoy the credit and control you seem to attribute to me, it is not so. I will see what I can do. Don't make me repeat myself, now." He waved a hand in the air dismissively. "Yes, yes... so clever... and quick to point it out too, must be important to you to feel like you have some sort of control over something."

"The odds are not in your favor. My Ares class starship may not be a match for your shiny new D7 know what. Let's see what my Andorian Navigator has to say" she said with a smirk.

Fig looked at Shras. "Lieutenant, a couple Klingon D6s and one D7 against an Ares class and two Constitution class starships. How do you think this would end for our Klingon 'friends' here?" she inquired.

"Well lets see..." he began. "The Ares class was specifically designed for the D6. So we could probably handle those if it came to it. But wait! There's more... our two Constitution classes. I'm not saying that it wouldn't be a good fight but Federation would win," he said. "In my unbiased opinion of course."

Fig gleamed a bit of a smile. "Andorians, every starship should have them. Honest and to the point," she said. "If my memory is accurate... our Andorian friends even helped design the weapons systems on the Ares class," Fig stated looking at Shras. "Remind me to thank your people. Those are perfect for swatting away D6 Klingon pests," she added.

Shras nodded to Fig. "Will do, Captain," he said, with a small smile.

Bluffing, the Captain turned once more to her Andorian Navigator. She was hoping he could improvise. "And what was it that the Admiral said, Lieutenant... something about reinforcements. More Constitution classes and a Walker class... coming soon I believe," she said.

Instantly understanding Shras spoke up. "Yes, Captain," he said. "Detached from patrol duty within a few minutes at warp 1."

"Ah yes, and my Master-At-Arms over there. He just loves killing your kind, Ke'gak. If anyone needs a psych evaluation, it is most definitely Chief Petty Officer Phillips," Fig said with a smirk. "Right Chief? You love killing Klingons?" she asked.

The chief kinda tilted his head to the side. Looked at the Klingon and smirked. "Ain't no fun if my shipmates can't have none!" And holstered his weapon ready to draw if he had to!

Fig looked Ke'gak straight on right in the eyes. "So, what's it going to be? Start a war here today or get the hell out of this star system and live to die another day."

"I am not here for a torpedo measuring contest..." Ke'gak rolled his eyes and looked at another of his bridge crew near him, speaking in Klingon for just a moment. Essentially saying, "Women, they just don't listen..." His men chuckled. He seemed unconcerned about any of her threats or offers of displays of violence. "You are making me repeat myself again, I will go. I will take my ship. My ship. I am not the Chancellor of the High Council. I will suggest that they move on, but that is what it will be and that is how they will take it... as a suggestion. I am getting tired of your mouth though and I have better things to do. You were the one that pulled us from our ship... don't be heartbroken that I can't deliver what you want. This is what happens when you make assumptions. Now, are you going to let us leave or are you just going to keep yelling? I can't do anything about all those other Klingon ships when I'm down here... now can I?"

The Captain smirked a victorious glow. She knew that Ke'gak could not go anywhere. The Musashi had their shields around the Klingon D7, preventing transport. "I'll let you leave since you asked so nicely," she said.

Fig whipped out her communicator. It made a series of quick chirping noises. "Fig to Musashi. EJ, lower shields and prepare to beam us up. Our Klingon friends will be leaving soon. Tell Captain Pike of the Enterprise and the Constitution's Captain to escort the Klingon battlecruisers out of the star system," instructed the Captain.

EJ Sat in the chair the order came through the comm "Understood Capt'n," he said as he looked at the crew. "Bring down those shields crew," he said as he looked at the view screen "Comms patch me through to the captains of the Enterprise and Constitution," he said smiling at cornet. "Ahh Captain Pike I've been asked by Captain Figueroa to instruct you to to escort the klingons out of the system is that understood?" EJ asked as he looked at the view screen.

"Understood ensign on our way now."

EJ looked back at the crew. "Looks like it's A pint of irish's best for all of you when we get this over and done with," he said relaxing back into the Captain's chair.

She then looked at her Klingon counterpart before he disappeared from sight. "Until we meet again," Captain Figueroa said sternly.

"And take that music with you," Shras said under his breath.


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