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Ship's Security

Posted on Tue Aug 29th, 2017 @ 2:11pm by Fleet Admiral Donatella Figueroa & Lieutenant JuniorGrade Fethraie D'Darra

Mission: S01E01 - At the Brink of Night
Location: Deck 6 | Briefing Room
Timeline: Current

Fethraie had not yet had the chance to meet the captain in a one-on-one environment. She also had not yet met her informally. The aforementioned scenario was about to change.

Feth had set up a meeting with the captain concerning the security of the ship. The agreed upon time was close at hand and, in typical Vulcan fashion, Feth chimed away her calling at the briefing room's door on the exact second she asked to meet with Fig.

The Captain had worked the requested meeting with her Vulcan Weapons Officer into her schedule. It was not that her schedule was overly busy. With a new Executive Officer and Second Officer things were running pretty smoothly and it lifted pressure off Donatella's shoulders. She used the Musashi's Briefing Room to hold any official meetings.

Fig was sitting at the table with a tablet PaDD and stylus in hand. When the Captain was alerted to the woman's presence outside, she reached for the command panel and unlocked the doors, allowing the proximity detectors to recognize Feth and slide open without issue.

Donatella Figueroa stood up from her seat and greeted the Vulcan. I understand you requested this meeting, Ensign. Was there something specifically that I could help you with?" asked the Captain.

"I wanted to give you my first official report on the security of the ship," Feth said as she stepped up to the table. "In person. And I find it agreeable to report that the Musashi is looking 97.5% secured. That is if I were to put a percentage value to it."

97.5% was a decently high percentage. It was one some Captain could live with and as much as a realist Fig was, even if she knew 100% was impossible, she still wanted to strive for it. "I see" she said responding to the Vulcan. "Respectable, but I would feel better if that number were closer to 100%, Ensign. Is there anything that you believe can be done to increase security?"

"That number would have been considerably less if Commander Miller were still aboard. His Type-2 disruptor was a major security hazard. His departure though has increased the security of the Musashi." Feth looked at her PADD. "It is our chief helmsman, Ensign Ethan O'Donoghue, that gives me pause. I do see no real security threat from him but he did seem to be a bit short on temper when I questioned him about his past, especially when we got on the topic of religion. I noticed his breathing increased, eyes diluted, nostrils flared. Once we got off that subject, things calmed right down. After further analysis of my notes, I do believe he may be an unstable element in a critical situation is said situation involves his past and/or his religious practices." The Vulcan was finished. She sat there staring intently at the captain.

The Captain crossed her arms "I see. I am still getting to know the crew myself, Ensign. However, I understand and can see what you mean about EJ, our helmsmen" replied the Commanding Officer. "I know that religion may seem...illogical to Vulcans. Honestly, I personally side with the Vulcans on that one as do many humans" she added.

Fig looked at the Vulcan "Some of my people still hold onto religious beliefs. Doctor Samuels for example is a scientist and yet he's also the Musashi's chaplain. Religion is a part of his belief system" she did her best to explain. Commander Miller she held her tongue on that subject, but she fully agreed with Feth.

"I thank you, Captain," Feth said with a bow of the head. "I must also add to my report that I was pleasantly proven wrong when I met with our Andorian crewmate. As you know Vulcans and Andorians have always each other's throats, as humans like to say. But Lieutenant Shras seems to be getting along with me rather famously I dare say." Feth finished her statement with the smallest crack of a smile.

Captain Figueroa nodded. "I understand the history between Vulcans and Andorians. It is definitely something that I was nervous about with such a diverse crew. The Musashi is in some ways experimental with interspecies relations. I am glad to hear that the two of you are getting along" said Fig with a smile of her own, larger, wider, and more grand. "I think Shras is a fine officer."

"I find your words agreeable," Feth said. "I am confident that we may not be faced with an incident that appears to be Andorian in nature." She stood as she continued speaking. "I dare say that the security of this ship is not something you need to worry yourself over as long as I am aboard. I thank you for your time Captain. If you have no questions for me..."

Ah refreshingly blunt and to the point. No need for small talk Fig thought at she was getting ready to dismiss the woman. Stuffy pointed ear pricks, but some days, exactly what I like. The Captain looked at the woman. "Dismissed Ensign" she said professionally, standing as well and giving a slight nod.


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