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Through the Grape Vine

Posted on Sun Mar 3rd, 2019 @ 5:27pm by Lieutenant Kate Jackson

Mission: S01E04 The Outpost Has Eyes
Location: USS Musashi | Transporter Room

When the USS Musashi was informed of another crew member waiting to be transported aboard, Cornet was taken aback. He was not privy to that information or anything about this Lieutenant Kate Jackson who was being transported over. Cornet knew of several incoming crew members coming aboard in the next day or so. However, most of them were for support positions and specialist in their scientific or technical fields. The Captain had been in a meeting in the Briefing Room when the requests came through. He alerted the officer on watch but even they knew nothing about Lieutenant Kate Jackson. The inquisitive young Trill immediately wanted to know more. He tried to access her personnel file which was a simple enough action, but no sooner did he attempt to do so was he met with a flashing screen of doom. UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS were the first words to appear. They were followed closely by ACCESS DENIED. RESTRICTED.

His next step of course was to immediately use the intercom and inform the Captain of Lieutenant Jackson's pending arrival. The Captain asked him specifically to fetch the new arrival and escort her to the Captain and Senior Staff whom were all in attendance in the Briefing Room. So, Cornet Jakku did just as he was instructed. He confirmed the request to board and informed the parties involved to begin transport in seven minutes. It was enough time to get from the Bridge on deck one down to the Transporter Room to meet the mysterious Lieutenant Kate Jackson.

Starfleet had several uniforms in circulation at the time, and the USS Musashi were phasing out the dark blue jumpsuit with gold, silver, or bronze trim for these colorful tunics of a shirt. Jakku had been bouncing around from communications station to science station and science labs, kind of learning a little of everything. With the new uniforms, Cornet Jakku found himself in a light soft powdery blue of the Science Division. He entered the transporter room and gave the young woman operating the transporter a simple nod. Soon, the feminine figure of a humanoid woman slowly begin to appear as the dazzling light show of the transporter faded away, giving the woman more features and solid form as she re-materialized aboard the USS Musashi. The twinkling lights danced away as the transport was complete.

The Trill's spots were mostly covered with the exception of along the sides of his face and his hand with he reached out to take any of her belongings that she had brought with her. His forehead had the distinctive alien trait that was common among his people, though the Federation knew very little about his species and a genetic mutation was causing more and more generations to lose this particular trait yet retain their spots in even more places than usual. "Welcome aboard the USS Musashi, Lieutenant Jackson" he said to the woman. "I'm Mister Jakku, Science Specialist. It's aa pleasure to meet you. The Captain sends her apologies for not being here to greet you personally."

Kate saw the room appear around her and took a moment to get used to her new surroundings. When she moved to the person that was talking to her, she looked a bit intrigued at this new person. He certainly wasn't human, seeing the spots in his face. She didn't think they look like tattoos, they look like markings of a species she was unfamiliar with. "Thank you, mister Jakku. The pleasure is all mine." She smiled to him. "Would it be at all possible to meet the captain today? Since I am taking on her intelligence department, I would like to discuss some things with her."

Intelligence Department? Well, that would explain the secrecy and restricted access he thought momentarily taken aback by the information. "I was not even aware we had any Intelligence officers aboard let alone an entire department" replied Cornet. "The Captain did say we would be seeing some changes around the starship and our upcoming missions would be taking a new direction. Excuse me as I digest this information" he added apologetically. "Uh yes yes. Of course, right this way. The Captain actually has requested that you meet with her as soon as you're aboard. I'm to escort you down to the Briefing Room so that you may attend the meeting. Do you have any questions for me before we proceed?" he asked politely.

Kate shook her head. "Please take me to her then." She pointed to the door. "Lead the way, mister Jakku." She walked after him to the hallway. "Actually, mister Jakky, just out of curiosity, what kind of species are you? I probably must have read it in while I was analyzing data at headquarters, but it escapes me now."

Cornet Jakku lead the way out of the transporter room through the suppressed whooshing doors and made a sharp left down the corridor with the woman following close behind and aside. "Well, you are an intelligence officer. So, if anyone aboard aside from medical or science will know anything about me people it would probably be you, Lieutenant" he said in a witty manner. "I'm Trill" he replied simply enough. "My species is currently looking into applying for Federation membership, but to be up front with you, I am not entirely sure if they will or not at this time. We value our privacy very seriously and though we have been happy to share what we know about other species and civilizations with your Federation...we have chosen not to disclose very much about ourselves. I'm aboard the USS Musashi as a science specialist in part of a cultural exchange of sorts. Other than my duties to the ship and crew, my people have asked me to gather information and present a case either for or against our potential membership into the Federation."

Kate nodded. "I have heard of your species. Very peculiar that you are very...private did you say. I have found that as well. I was asked to handle some of the agents in the field gathering information, but it turns out not many people know anything about you, and the ones that do, can't tell much either than what we already know. But if you are here on a cultural exchange, wouldn't that work both ways. We learn something about you as you learn something about us?" She got more curious by the second. But she tried her best control herself, even though she had a lot of questions.

Jakku nodded as they neared a lift. "Yes, my people probably would have been thrilled if they could just plant me here and have no responsibility to return the favor, but alas I could not be here without a mutual agreement of a two-way exchange. I correspond with the Starfleet officer they placed on a Trill science vessel. He's a...oh what's the species...they look like one of those animals on Earth your people make something called bacon out of."

She had to think about what he said and then replied, "Oh, you mean Tellarites." She laughed. "What on Earth possessed starfleet to send you a Tellarite. Not be bias of my own species, but I would think a human would probably find more grounds with you. Even a Vulcan would have been better. But not to be to dismissal of the Tellerites, they do have their charmes." As they moved on she continued, "But while you're here, is it possible to learn something about your culture as well, I would very much appreciate it, on a personal level as well. I am very interested in other cultures but my own."

The doors to the lift opened and the two naturally walked on through, entering the lift. "Yes, Tellarites. He's...pleasant in his own way. He complains about every little thing that he thinks is wrong with the starship, but he's an engineer. So, I guess that is to be expected. However, I have found that arguing is very commonplace among his least the males. I have never met a female Tellarite. I don't think at least. I mean I always assumed he was a he with that beard, but oh my what if I was mistaken" he said aloud shaking his head.

He pushed the control panel to take them to the correct deck. The doors closed behind them. "I think Starfleet sent a Tellarite because they ALWAYS have questions and they do not take no for an answer. I think they just wanted to irritate my people into giving up information. I am more forthcoming with information than most individuals of my species. I would be happy to get to know you better, Lieutenant Jackson, and share cultural information with you."

Kate smiled. "Thank you, mister Jakku, I look forward to it." She tapped a moment with her foot as she waited for the lift to take them where they needed to be. Then she turned to him again holding out her hand. "Call me, Kate, that's my given name. I have never been so good with the ranking system and since you're not really in star fleet, I don't think it would matter."

"Cornet" he said with a smile. "That's the name I like to be called if we don't have to be so formal with things. It's my given name as well. I'm technically not in Starfleet but they let me wear the uniform when I'm on duty. I like it" he said playfully. The lift came to a stop and the doors opened. "It's just down this corridor, Kate" he said leading the way and he lead her a few more strides then right to a door that read BRIEFING ROOM on a plaque. "Just in through there. The Captain is expecting you."

She nodded to him. "Thank you, Cornet, it was nice to meet you. Maybe after the meeting we could meet again in the lounge maybe. Have a drink. I would like to talk some more with you. This was a nice conversation."

"It was" he replied. "I would like that very much. The longue would be perfect, it's called 'The Roosevelt Lounge,' you cannot miss it" he added with a smile.

She smiled as she walked up the door and then, as the doors opened, through them. She gave a look over her shoulder to him one moment, before disappearing behind the closing doors.

What a charming woman he thought to himself. Then u-turned in the corridor to head back to the lift they had taken.


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