Lieutenant Kate Jackson
Name Kate Lynn Jackson
Position Chief Intelligence Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 30 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'4 | |
Weight | 146lbs | |
Hair Color | Brown | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | Kate is avarage height and build. She has long brown hair. |
Father | James Anthony Jackson | |
Mother | Mary Ann Jackson | |
Sister(s) | Lilly Ann and Melody Fay |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Kate is a friendly and nice person. She can be curious and a little strong headed sometimes. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Kate is friendly and a good listener. Kate knows several languages Kate is a bit strong headed. She doesn't show it often, but she is a bit sensitive |
Ambitions | Kate hopes to meet a certain someone not human to settle down with on Earth, their home world or a colony. Until then she gives herself to her career. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Kate loves to read Vulcan novels. Is interested in new cultures. Is interested in learning languages. |
Personal History | Kate is born on Earth, in England. She grew up in a non fleet family. Her father was a technical architect and her mother a kindergarten teacher. Kate showed interest in to languages from an early age. When she grew up she started to learn languages. She studied languages as minor at the university. This was before she joined the academy. She also studies psychiatry, as she loved to work with people. For her studies she went abroad. Which is how she learned about star fleet. Halfway through her studies she joined the academy. Because she was studying psychiatry, she was allowed to finish her studies while taking courses at the academy. At the Academy she added Vulcan and Klingon to her languages list. This how she got interested in Vulcan novels. She graduated her studies the same time as the academy. She was first assigned to the USS Peacemaker as a counselor. Because she was good with languages, specially the Klingon language, she was asked to join starfleet intelligence. She got a short training at headquarters in to data analyses. Somehow her talent for languages went on in to the computer languages. She did mostly data analyses at headquarters, before she got her first assignment on a ship. She was assigned the USS Musashi as chief Intelligence officer. |
Service Record | USS Peacemaker Ships counselor Starfleet headquarters, intelligence training and data analyst USS Musashi Chief Intelligence officer |