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Vulcan Checkup

Posted on Mon Aug 7th, 2017 @ 1:31pm by Lieutenant JuniorGrade Fethraie D'Darra & Lieutenant Commander Ezekiel Hill

Mission: S01E01 - At the Brink of Night
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: Current

Feth finished off her first set of reports regarding the security of the ship and was immediately off to Sick Bay. The doctor of course had plenty of initial scans to make and Feth did not want to be among those he would have to go on a hunt for.

Entering through inviting doors, Feth looked around at the place and raised an eyebrow upon seeing how clean and orderly Sick Bay was, even so soon after a refit. She spotted Dr. Hill busy for the moment and decided to stand patiently.

Sickbay filled up with crew members scrambling to receive final checkups before the Musashi shoved off. Between treatments, Zeke noticed a lone Vulcan sitting in the waiting area.

When there was a brief moment of silence in the sickbay, he approached her, "Is there something I can help you with, ma'am?"

"Yes," Feth said. "I am here for my initial medical scan. I have no issues that require addressing. However, I do believe you would be in need of a scan for comparison should I ever have any ailments. Starfleet Medical found me fit for duty so you should find nothing problematic at this time."

Zeke gave a warm smile, "I've always been a fan of Vulcan pragmatism."

Zeke slung his tricorder from over his shoulder, and began to scan the Vulcan. "Everything seems to be in order, by Vulcan standards. Your heart rate is slightly elevated, you wouldn't happen to be nervous would you?"

Zeke continued the scan, noting bones mended with metal alloy.

"Nervous?" Feth asked. "No. I do admit that I may not be as highly trained and disciplined as other Vulcans in the arena of mental and emotional control, but I certainly do not see any reason why I would be...nervous. I may require a few moments of meditation. That would, as you say, 'hit the spot'."

"Please," Zeke replied, "Take all the time you need. The last thing I need to do is take a blood sample for analysis so I can compare it with your records."

“Once my work shift has concluded I shall allocate the time necessary for an adequate meditation session.” She gave the man a nod of the head. “I thank you doctor. If you need anything more from me, just let me know.” Feth turned but stopped half way and turned back to the doctor. "One more thing. You may have noticed that Commander Miller carries with him a Rigellian Type 2 disruptor. This weapon is not authorized by Starfleet but the Captain does not appear to have an issue with it. The Commander, and Captain I presume, wish for me to keep the existence of this weapon off the books. Something the Captain alone will have to order me to do after she notes my objection. I did ask the Commander to come here and fire his weapon at a batch of simulated flesh for a detail scan and analysis. For, should such an injury occur on this vessel, I need to know what caused it. And, if a wound does prove to be from a Type 2 Disruptor, I need these scans to compare it to. So, if you please, make sure Commander Miller arranges a meeting with you. And please have a batch of simulated flesh ready."

Zeke nodded, "I'll see what I can do about that. Frankly, I'm a little busy with check ups to deal with an issue of security. Otherwise Ensign, you're cleared for duty."


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