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Tiny New Arrival

Posted on Wed Apr 8th, 2020 @ 5:53pm by Lieutenant Kylian Linwood & Lieutenant Commander Seleya
Edited on on Wed Apr 8th, 2020 @ 5:53pm

Mission: S01E05 ConQstador
Location: Sickbay new Musashi A


Seleya walked into sickbay. It seemed sterile and deserted. She was a bit... put off by the fact that all the supplies and medications were center room. It was maybe, a good thing. Putting her sickbay in order would keep her mind off of Elijah. She missed her friend and his loss hit her harder then she thought.

Seleya began to work wondering when the new and old staff would show up.

Kylian Linwood was more than excited to be allowed to continue his residency aboard the Musashi. For once in his life he was glad he was related to an admiral who could and would pull strings for him. Considering, that he had never really asked her for anything, he felt rather comfortable asking her to make sure that he made it back onto the new ship whose crew he had grown to love.

He had taken a quick side detour to put his belongings in his quarters before he made his way to the new sickbay. When the double doors slid open he sort of felt like he was home. When he spotted Dr. Seleya he was rather overjoyed. He loved working with the Vulcan and he felt that she still had tons to teach him. "Hi honey! I'm home!" Kylian said, in lieu of a proper greeting.

Seleya looked up from sorting the medication. "Mr. Linwood." She gave a nod but secretly she was overjoyed to see him. He would make a great doctor. She'd made herself his unofficial mentor. "Are you ready for some hard work sorting and colour coding? It seems Starfleet has no regard for order and organization."

Kylian chuckled and eyed the pile of supplies. "Of course! I'm actually surprised you're here already. I expected to have to do all of this on my own," he joked. "I am more than ready though. I can't wait to be back headed for something exciting, rather than sitting around here. They didn't tell me anything about where we're going though. I was just told to report back to the Musashi. Which was a surprise." He stepped toward the stack and started pulling the top bins down so they could look in them. "I got over here and there's a new ship..."

"Indeed. The equipment is upgraded as well. I believe we will not function any further on Potions and Prayers as they say."

Kylian laughed and started to unpack what he could of the supplies, organizing them as he went. He knew how Seleya liked things to it was relatively easy to get started. "I hope we weren't running on Potions and Prayers to begin with. I'm just glad to be back on a ship. I was worried that they were going to ground me for the rest of my residency."

"Hmmm. Well, you would not be grounded long. You are a valuable asset and I am confident that a few more years and you shall be a top asset to Starfleet." She would see to it. He had so much potential and she would make it her goal to get him ready to face the world of Starfleet.

Kylian blushed. He rubbed at his face to try and hide it. It was not every day that anyone received a compliment from a Vulcan. "Thank you. I really hope so. Then my grandmother won't be able to interfere with my career anymore." He didn't usually talk about his family at all, but he felt this one time merited it. It had always annoyed him that she had so much pull and say in where he ended up.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Kylian was actually relieved that Seleya didn't know what he was talking about. "Admiral Victoria Linwood is my Grandmother. She likes to... "keep me safe"... as it is," he said with a little grin and air quotes with his fingers. "I love her dearly and I've definitely gotten here on my own merit, but she does tend to have a little too much say in where I'm assigned. Of course, I have to thank her for this one."

"It is my understanding that amongst humans this is typical, if one loves ones family." She raised an eyebrow. "It can be a tad disturbing, but I believe that her heart is in the right place."

Kylian nodded, grinning. "Oh, I totally agree with you, Doctor. She definitely means well. I'm just glad I'm still aboard here. I was starting to think I was going to get reassigned and the guy they had me working under at the hospital... was so boring. Every time he talked, all I wanted to do was sleep." He chuckled. "Do you want the hypos in this drawer or that one or both?" He indicated which drawers he was talking as he asked.

She thought a moment. "If you can put them in one... no put the commonly used ones in the top and the emergency use in the second." She went back to sorting. "Why was he boring?"

Kylian did as she instructed, putting the instruments where she indicated. He chuckled. "It was mostly his voice..." He adjusted his own voice, making it monotone and without pause for punctuation. "He would talk and go on and on and on in a manner that made me want to sleep."

"Ah yes. You did not happen to record this conversation did you?" she asked, almost hopefully.

Kylian laughed. "Sure. I have all sorts of recordings of his lectures. They're totally boring. It might actually be a good way to fall asleep." He grinned at her. "I'll send you copies of them. You know... I don't know if you're into music at all, but I'm always looking for some new recommendations. If you have any."

She looked up at him. "Excellent. No need to send them to me. Just have them available here in case the anesthetic does not work on our patients."

Kylian stared at her for a moment, trying to absorb what had just happened. Had she made a joke? It sure was funny and unable to hold that back any longer he laughed out loud. "I will make sure to do that. I'll download them into the database immedately. You never know what other uses we might find for them."

"As for music I am afraid I am not the best person to ask. Admiral... I mean Commander Essex might be better."

"Ooo yes! I should totally bug the Commander for his musical opinion. That's a great suggestion!" For some, potentially sick, reason, Kylian liked to bother the formal Admiral. He found the man to be mostly intelligent, when he wasn't letting testosterone get in his way and actually a decent person. It might be interesting to try and engage him in conversation that didn't involve ship's functions or medical opinions. "He's kinda cute..."

Seleya straightened a little. It was barely noticeable. "I suppose. In a way." She couldn't lie.

Kylian laughed. "Oh, come on, Doctor. Even Vulcan's experience attraction. Don't they? Otherwise, I would think that mating would be very unsatisfying. I know he's a boring, old human... but humans can be surprising." He wiggled his eyebrows at her, grinning.

"We do experience attraction, however our mating has nothing to do with attraction. It is a complicated process." She looked over at Linwood. "Our mating is done... somewhat logically."

"Right," Kylian said, sounding unconvinced. He stood and grabbed another box and started to open it so he could sort though the contents. "Vulcans are assigned. When you're born. Right?" He looked over at her briefly. "Humans used to do something similar, in our ancient past. We called it an "arranged" marriage. It was reserved mostly for Royalty for a long time, but in some cultures arranged marriages were relatively normal." He shrugged.

"It is usually on Vulcan. The only ones that are not matched are those deemed unfit or those who are selected for life in the monasteries," she said as she too picked up another box and began unpacking. That explanation had always haunted her.

Kylian wrinkled his nose. "I think it would suck to be selected at birth for something. Humans are just not as anchored as Vulcans, I guess. We still have too much of that spontaneity." He grinned. "Variety though. I've always loved variety." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "In most aspects of my life."

She gave a nod and then looked around. "I do believe that we are making good progress here."

Kylian looked around them. "There are definitely a lot less boxes." He looked at Seleya. "So what about you? Have you ever been married or mated or whatever they call it..? I don't mean to pry... well maybe I do... I'm just curious. You don't have to tell me."

She shrugged a little. There was a pregnant pause and then, "I was not deemed worthy of it." Her voice was a bit more quiet then usual. It still stung.

Kylian felt bad for asking. It was rather obvious that it was a sensitive subject, at least to him, and he hadn't meant to make her feel bad. He frowned and tipped his head, trying to come up with something clever and funny to lighten the mood. "Oh!" he said, turning toward her and grinning. "So you lucked out and get to pick your own partners. That's pretty awesome."

She was turned away so she permitted herself a small smile and only a momentary one. Linwood had a way of seeing things in the positive. Once she schooled herself she turned back. "Perhaps, but it will be difficult on Vulcan."

Kylian shrugged. "Meh... just... try not to go home?" he suggested. "I don't really like being on Earth either. It's awkward and weird and way too close to my family." He chuckled. "I can handle them when I'm way out here and their expectations are low..."

She stood and turned approaching him. "Oh?" Her delicate eyebrow raised.

Kylian laughed heartily. "Yeah. They're just... not my cup of tea. Not that I don't love them or respect them or get along with them. I'm just not all into that richy rich lifestyle. They're both retired Starfleet... They like to travel all over and go to parties and fashion things..." He shrugged. "I'm just not into it. When I'm with them I just have to keep up."

"That is not an easy thing to do." She looked at Linwood. "Well, you do have a new family here."

"Thank you. I'm glad I've found a place here. It's nice to be where you're appreciated." He grinned. "So this, my dear Doctor, is the last of our crates!" He patted the last crate. "We get this one unpacked and we're done. All moved in." He chuckled. "What do you do in your free time, Doctor?"

She paused and considered the question. "I like to read. I swim and I do enjoy horse riding."

"Hmm... I haven't been horseback riding in a long time. Do you ride Western or English? I've always been more of a fan of the Western, requires less work from my legs." He chuckled. "I do like to read though. I don't think that's something I'll ever get tired of. Learning other languages opened up all new things to read too." He started to pull items from the crate, checking them off a list as he went.

"Perhaps we can ride together one day. As for type of riding... it depends on the situation." She paused when she heard a noise that sounded like scratching. "Do you hear that?"

Linwood stopped what he was doing, his head cocked to one side, his hands hovering over the crate he had been emptying. He didn't actually hear anything and shook his head. "I'm not hearing anything but the ship and the computers... what are you hearing?"

Before she could say anything the sound grew loud enough for all to hear and out popped a mischievous little squirrel.

Seleya raised an eyebrow. "Again?"

The squirrel jumped out of the crate and quick as a lick it climbed up Linwood's pant leg and perched on his shoulder.

Kylian made a variety of faces as he was scaled and gave the squirrel the hard sideways eyes when it settled on his shoulder. "Uh... what do I do now, Doctor?" He held very still, regardless of the friendliness of the last one, squirrels could also bite and scratch pretty hard. "How... how do they keep sending you squirrels?"

"I do not know why." She studied it. "Allow me to help." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a walnut. She held it out gently. "Take this and offer it to him. He should go for it. Just have it in an open palm low, we need to get him away from your face... just in case he is not friendly."

Kylian took the walnut carefully, his eyes mostly on the squirrel as much as possible. "Yes... away from the face. Look, buddy. It's a nice... uh... meaty nut." He put the walnut in the center of one palm and held his hand much lower. "You really want the nut. It's good. I promise."

The squirrel studied him and then wove its way down his arm to get the nut. Meanwhile, Seleya had scanned the little creature. "He is free from illnesses." She reached out and slowly pet it's head as it ate. "He seems friendly." He looked at Linwood. "I believe you now have a pet."

Kylian frowned. "Well... at least he's not rabid, but a pet? Me? This squirrel? I don't know Doc... you're better at caring for squirrels than I am. At least you've already had one." He was still cautiously eyeing the squirrel. It might be friendly at the moment, but they were definitely not friends yet.

She did smile this time, a rare occurrence. "I will help you. He's picked you."

"You better help me!" Kylian said, his eyes a little wide and locked on the squirrel that was still sitting on him. "What do I do first? I suppose I can't just keep calling him "the squirrel"."

"Yes. A name would be good. You can train him by rewarding good behaviour with a treat." She studied the pair. "You to will learn to understand one another. It took a while with Elijah as well."

"A name? I didn't even think about a name." He looked at the squirrel as if he was studying it. "Do you think it's a girl squirrel or a boy squirrel?" He tried, carefully, to see if he could visually tell the sex of the squirrel.

She scanned the squirrel. "It's a girl. That just means she shall be clingy and need a lot of your attention, perhaps a bit jealous." She raised an amused eyebrow.

"She better not be a bit jealous or she's going to find herself in a cage when I have company. I have company rather frequently. I'm not sure what name to give her though. Matilda? Susan? Katy? Jennifer? Emily... Marie?"

Seleya gave a nod. "I will leave you to it then." She looked around. "I can finish here. Why do you not take some time to get to know Matilda, Susan, Katy, Jennifer, Emily, Marie," she said, missing his vocal intonations after the names.

Kylian laughed as the squirrel ran up his arm again, did a lap around his head and then sat on his shoulder making soft chittering noises. "I'll settle on just one of those... maybe not any of them..." He eyed the squirrel, who was now a little too close to his face for his comfort.

Seleya gave a nod. "Go and get her settled and I shall finish here," ahe said. She looked up just as Essex walked in. "Admiral... er... Commander."

Kylian smiled at Essex and nodded. He carefully took his squirrel and headed for his quarters, praying that she wouldn't decide to jump off of him and escape. He wasn't exactly comfortable with just grabbing her. He would find her a place to sleep and perhaps a cage of some sort.



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