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A Meet

Posted on Fri Aug 18th, 2017 @ 1:54pm by Lieutenant JuniorGrade Fethraie D'Darra & Lieutenant Junior Grade Shras th'Zarath

Mission: S01E01 - At the Brink of Night
Location: USS Musashi

Shras was making his way through the ship, exploring before he was to begin his duty shift. Checking his chronometer he found he had at least half an hour to kill. Not knowing much of anybody yet he figured that the most efficient place would be the ships mess hall. He was a little bit thirsty as well so going there was an easy decision. He asked a passing officer and got a set of quickie directions. Following them he sat at the most convenient table.

A waiter came up and took his order of terran orange juice. After a few minutes Shras' juice came. " Thank you." he said. The waiter nodded and proceeded to go about his duties.

Fethraie entered shortly thereafter. The security of the ship was top priority for her but she knew that if she was not in top physical shape, she would not be able to perform her top priority. And, right now, her body demanded a little nourishment. She felt a slight clamminess beginning to set it, meaning the first stage of dehydration. So, of course, her destination was going to be the Lookout.

Feth nodded to the tender as she entered. He nodded in return, already understanding what she wanted. Though this was only another visit totaling a number she could count on one hand, Feth had already found her favorite chair which was currently being occupied by the newest addition to the crew. The man was Andorian and that much was obvious. So few other species actually had antennae.

A very small pang of irritance welled within as she walked up but was unable to claim her favorite chair. "Excuse me," she said with a bit more emphasis she felt was appropriate for a Vulcan, "may I join you?"

" Certainly." Shras said. " Feel free." he said.

“I thank you,” Feth said as she took a seat across the table from the Andorian. “I am Fethraie D’Darra, Ensign,” she announced her rank with a slight roll to her eyes, “and Chief of Security and Weapons Management & Supply. You must be…forgive me…I do find Andorian names difficult at times…Shraz…” and Feth aborted an attempt at pronouncing his surname.

" I am." he replied. "Pleasure to meet you." he added.

Feth regarded the Andorian with a nod. "And it is agreeable to meet your acquaintance. I must say, I have never served with an Andorian before. I do realize Vulcans and Andorians do have a troubled past. Perhaps here, you and I can seek put those troubles away; set an example for both our kinds."

Shras assumed that she was talking about all the bad blood a century ago. Shras personally had no beef with any Vulcan. "I agree." he replied."No sense in keeping grudges I always say."

“Of course,” Feth said. “Nothing good can come from holding on to grudges.” A little twinge of irritation came to her again, reminding her of the Andorian in her favorite chair. Her eyes narrowed; nostrils wanted to flare.

Then Fethraie realized it all. “I’m, sorry,” she said as she composed herself. “I am embarrassed to admit it, but I am not the most disciplined Vulcan. If you will excuse me,” she started to stand.

"Is there anything the matter?" Shras asked.

Feth cracked an embarrassed smiled then slowly lowered herself back into her seat. " have been on this ship a matter of days now and already I have found my favorite chair here in the Lookout, a chair that you are currently occupying. Vulcans do seem to be a bit particular about things. The Vulcans I grew up with to be precise. That...and it may take an indeterminate amount of time to work myself passed an upbringing involving suspicions and a generally dislike for Andorians. Again, I do ask for your forgiveness."

"No harm done." Shras said, nodding. He thought about what the Vulcan said and quickly came to a notion. What if we were to just switch seats?"

Feth displayed a palm, thus stopping that notion in its tracks. "No. That will only feed this particularity of mine. Logic dictates that, to overcome particular and irrational anxieties, one must face them with confidence. Sometimes one must face them again and again. Afteral, anxiety can be ruled as just another emotion. And some Vulcans have a saying. I must face my emotions. Emotion is the mind-killer. Emotion is the little-death that leads to annihilation. I will confront my emotion and I will allow it to pass over and through me. When it is gone, I will turn to see its path and passing. Where the emotion has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain." Any hint of emotion appeared to drain from her face. Feth looked to her Andorian table-mate with the best of any poker-faces. "And since it seems we will be working with quite a motley assortment of species aboard this ship, it makes sense that I get beyond something as simple as a favorite chair."

Shras' mind reeled at that influx of logic. "Okay then." he said, still trying to process. "Just thought I'd offer."

"I thank you all the same," Feth replied. "If I may ask, what was the eventuation that lead to your decision on joining Starfleet?"

"Family tradition mostly." he said. "My whole clan have served in one way or the other for years." he said. "You?"

"It is safe to say that tradition has nothing to do with my being in Starfleet. I will say that my people were staunch in their opinions that I not join Starfleet; that I not leave them at all. My people oppose Starfleet, science, space travel, even technology. I realize this may sound strange to you. I am Vulcan afterall and it was Vulcans that made First Contact with Earth. My people...well we really do not have a name to call ourselves by. We are a remote community of Vulcans residing far from any Vulcan societies you may or may not be familiar with. We embrace logic and purge emotion just like the rest of Vulcan but we also reject technology, space travel, and so on. To leave the community means to be disowned." Feth showed no emotion as she admitted that, "I no longer have any family that will claim me as their own. When I left the community, they immediately forgot who I was and cut me out. Not out of any anger or other emotion mind you, but because I broke from their ways and decided to embrace technology. In short," Feth looked around and showed a brief glimmer of disgust, "this is the only place I can call home."

Shras nodded as he took it all in. " Interesting." he replied. He took a sip of his juice. "I had no Idea that there were Vulcans like that." he said in surprise. "If you need a friend or anything." he said

"Most may never know of Vulcans like that. They avoid anything technological and the Vulcans you normally interact with never speak of them. My kind wishes to you say...'in the dark.' They also wish to be left alone." 'Friend,' she thought then said, "Friend. That is an interesting concept." Feth never had anyone she could call a friend. "I will dedicate your words to memory," Feth said in typical Vulcan verbosity, "should I find myself in a situation necessitating your camaraderie. I thank you."

"Anytime." Shras replied


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