View Award - Ignagural Crewmember
An exclusive award given to the original members of the crew, those who helped launch the USS Musashi as it was declared active by Theta Fleet. This award may only be given to said individuals and will not be awarded anytime thereafter.
Category: Out of character
Awarded: 7 times
Kim Sat Feb 17th, 2018 @ 4:32pm |
In recognition for being one of the original members in July 2017 who contributed to the launch of the USS Musashi. Thank you for being part of this crew and for your continued contributions. |
Roy Stamps Sat Feb 17th, 2018 @ 4:32pm |
In recognition for being one of the original members in July 2017 who contributed to the launch of the USS Musashi. Thank you for being part of this crew and for your continued contributions. |
Ben Banwell Sat Feb 17th, 2018 @ 4:32pm |
In recognition for being one of the original members in July 2017 who contributed to the launch of the USS Musashi. Thank you for being part of this crew and for your continued contributions. |
Lance Linton Sat Feb 17th, 2018 @ 4:31pm |
In recognition for being one of the original members in July 2017 who contributed to the launch of the USS Musashi. Thank you for being part of this crew and for your contributions. Though this award is belated and you are no longer actively a member, we do hope to cross your path again. |
Alex Sat Feb 17th, 2018 @ 4:30pm |
In recognition for being one of the original members in July 2017 who contributed to the launch of the USS Musashi. Thank you for being part of this crew and for your continued contributions. |
Ezra Sat Feb 17th, 2018 @ 4:30pm |
In recognition for being one of the original members in July 2017 who contributed to the launch of the USS Musashi. Thank you for being part of this crew and for your continued contributions. |
Raymond "Fig" Sat Feb 17th, 2018 @ 4:30pm |
In recognition for being one of the original members in July 2017 who contributed to the launch of the USS Musashi. Thank you for being part of this crew and for your continued contributions. |