View Award - Amethyst Service Delta

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Amethyst Service Delta

Service Deltas are an Out of Character award that are designed with a 'tier' structure. They are awarded based on your in character writing mile stones rather than time aboard or registered. This is because some sims have people who have been registered members for several months, but only produce a few posts as opposed to relatively newer members with substantially more posts to their credit. We wanted something in our awards to recognize posting activity. The Amethyst Service Delta is received by members once they hit their 25th mission post (personal logs are factored in)

Category: Out of character
Awarded: 3 times

Raymond "Fig"
Tue Feb 6th, 2018 @ 7:57am
Amethyst Service Delta received for 25th post.
Tue Feb 6th, 2018 @ 7:55am
For dedicated membership to this sim and consistent posting during your time here, you have reached the mile stone of 25 mission posts. Therefore, you have earned the Amethyst Service Delta.
Tue Feb 6th, 2018 @ 7:55am
For dedicated membership to this sim and consistent posting during your time here, you have reached the mile stone of 25 mission posts. Therefore, you have earned the Amethyst Service Delta.