Crewman Apprentice Samantha Davis

Name Samantha Davis

Position Communications Officer

Rank Crewman Apprentice

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 137
Hair Color Platinum Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Sam is tall for a woman and skinny. She has high cheek bones that are littered with freckles. Her hair is a natural platinum blonde.


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Unknown
Sister(s) Unknown
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sam is skittish. Almost like Puppy that has been abused. Eager for affection and affirmation, but afraid of getting hurt.
Strengths & Weaknesses +highly organized
+excellent memory, almost eidetic in certain areas
+/- Will follow orders to a fault. Even if unauthorized/illegal if given in a harsh tone (She is working on this)
Ambitions Sam would like to become an officer, and one day have a family.
Hobbies & Interests Basketball, specifically hoops.

Personal History Sam was born on the colony world of Olympus IV. At the age of four the colony was overrun by pirates. Sam was taken to be the personal slave of the pirate leader. This gave her the unique opportunity to be educated, as he needed an assistant he could trust implicitly.

She did everything from his laundry, to his cooking, to managing his schedule and attending strategy meetings. She was left to fend for herself when he left without her, which he had to do fairly regularly, so often went without food and water as she was forced to hide from other pirates who were jealous of her perceived status.

Starfleet discovered the fate of the colony sometime in Sam's 19th year as close as she can guess it. The other colonist would not let her stay, as they saw her as a pirate since she'd been basically raised by one.

Starfleet allowed her refuge, and provided much needed medical care. Sam enlisted as soon as she was able.
Service Record USS Musashi - 1st assignment