
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Mon Jan 1st, 2018 @ 4:53am

Lieutenant Junior Grade Fiona McGowan

Name Fiona McGowan

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant Junior Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 180lb
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Scottish


Father Trevor McGowan
Mother Marsha McGowan
Brother(s) Gavin McGowan, Bhaltair McGowan, Kirk McGowan
Other Family Tortoiseshell cat named Cake

Personality & Traits

General Overview Engineering genius but doesn't entirely do everything by the book. Keeps a spatula in her tool kit.
Strengths & Weaknesses Knows the modern engineering systems better than anyone else, but couldn't find her way out of a paper bag. Her idea of relaxing is a tall glass of something stiff and a tech manual.
Ambitions She's heard rumors of something more advanced coming out soon and she always wants to be in the middle of it.
Hobbies & Interests Tech manuals and fixing things.

Personal History Born and raised in the old shipyards in Scotland on Earth, she learned to love and care for everything that she used growing up.
Service Record 2241 - Entered Starfleet Academy
2245 - Graduated Starfleet Academy
2245 - Assigned to USS Potemkin as Junior Engineering Officer
2247 - Assigned to Starbase 136 as Warp Mechanics Repair Specialist
2250 - Assigned to USS Bartholemy as Senior Engineering Officer
2253 - Assigned to USS Nadesico as Assistant Chief Engineer
2255 - Assigned to USS Musashi as Chief Engineer